Annual Ministry Team Publicity Plan

Please fill out this form and click submit.

This publicity plan has been developed to better assist Ministry Teams with their churchwide communication by organizing announcements ahead of time.

Please fill this out as needed during MT meetings or through other coordinated efforts.

Every approved announcement request will be promoted in all or most of our publicity channels:

1) Bulletin

2) Website

3) Weekly email

4) Sunday slideshow

5) Posters/flyers (upon request)

6) Social media

Please indicate the dates for when you would like your announcements to be in the bulletin. 

Written announcement requests must be no more than 50-75 words in length. 

If this is a Forestgate sponsored event, or a Forestgate partner event, it may be placed in the bulletin announcements for up to 4 consecutive weeks.

If it is a reoccurring event, it may be advertised ahead of time for up to 2 consecutive weeks.

If it is a reoccurring event, it may appear in the “This Week at Forestgate” section of the bulletin which is curated and formatted by the communications coordinator.



Please fill out this form and click submit.